Thursday, August 27, 2009

Monday Blues News: 24 August

We NEED to firstly thank everyone that came through on Monday! I think it's accurate to say Mondays show was amazing! The line-up got longer and longer with each passing minute, the artist where geared up and so ready to bless the masses... thank you 4 such brilliant performances:

  • Sliq Angel (Acoustic performance)
  • Brother Moves On (Acoustic performance)
  • Leero n the band (Band, vocals)
  • Joy of Jozi (Live jazz band)
  • Damo Makgatla (Poetry)
  • Mac Manaka (Poetry)
  • Inner Chi (Music, vocals, poetry)
  • Bongeziwe (Acoustic performance)
  • Dollar I (Poetry)
  • Thomas & Siya B (Comedy)
  • Jam Session: Samu, Aviwe, Marcia, jnr Mabokodo, Roger, King Daniel


DJ: Zweli

Host: CIA

Founder: Peter Makurube

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