Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tribute to Mama Miriam Makeba - Last Session of the Monday Blues Womans Month Series - 31 August

This is the last Monday of the Monday Blues Womans Month Series, hence this coming Monday we pay Tribute to Mama Africa, mama Mirriam Makeba. This AMAZING woman, blessed the Monday Blues stage on several occasions back when Monday Blues was still starting up... she was very much a big part of the Monday Blues family... so come thru, bring your favorite song by mama Mirriam, blessed us with poetry in her honor....
Not forgetting that this is the last week to bring clothes, shoes or any items you don't need to donate to charity. PLEASE, make the time to go through your cupboards, someone out there is in dying need of all those clothes collecting dust, that you don't wear anymore.
See you next Monday, 31 August... and keeping logging onto our blogspot to check out what Monday Blues has in store for you for the month of September!

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